Bridget is having new rear springs fitted along with Frontline hydraulic suspension. A few other small fixes and she should be ready. I have applied for a carnet, booked transport across the Altantic, a ship for Bridget and a plane for myself. We are going to be travelling anti-clockwise!
So many of the land borders, east of Europe, are still closed or blocked by large gatherings of unfriendly troops and tanks, that I couldn’t leave the plan unchanged for any longer. The start date of June will not be compromised so I am shipping Bridget to Halifax, Canada and will follow in time to collect her from the port on her arrival.
The current thinking is that we will spend 4/6 weeks in Canada, then cross into the USA for a two month exploration. We might just turn up at the Pebble Beach Concourse, in August, before driving down through Central America and crossing into Colombia. Then it will be north to south, all the way to Tierra del Fuega before returning north to Buenos Aires and shipping down to New Zealand and Australia.
The reality of the plan has now dawned on me as I receive half a dozen new maps, my ‘Save the Children’ tee-shirt and apply for my International Driving Licence. Great news from Australia with the complete opening of their borders, this follows the same action in New Zealand. Bridget should be ready sometime during next week (week beginning 28th February) and I should be ready by end of April.
Please don’t forget my charity ‘Save the Children’. They will have a huge amount more work to do now, in Ukraine.
So it looks like Xmas here at 21 Moondance Court this year?? I’ll book the turkey then.
G’day Mate. Don’t book the turkey yet, I hear it’s not much of an entertaineer! Certainly plan to be in your part of the world around the end of year, but as Putin has demonstrated, detailed plans and timings not certain. Will keep in touch, love to Anita.