My multi-lingual prowess just oozes. Whilst Bridget drove effortlessly from Neumunster to Svendborg in Denmark I busied myself learning Danish and German. Well nearly. I learnt of Egeskov Castle (or Egeskov Slot, etc.) from Jan and Aakke in Niekerk. What grabbed my attention was the fact that they have a motor museum in the grounds. In fact they have no less than 10 museums including cars, motorcycles and aircraft.
This is Denmark’s answer to Beaulieu National Motor Museum. The castle itself has a number of interesting features including the fact that it has no large open fireplaces, but instead has a series of large cast iron wood-burners in each room. There is a large selection of medieval weapons and various native African weapons that one of the residents brought back from a visit there.
The motor museum has no less than three MG’s, being a 1600 MGA, a MGC and a 1935 MG Magna that is recorded to have raced at Brooklands and achieved a top speed of some 230km per hour. There are a number of rare British and continental cars. The collection of motorcyles is also very international as well as including some unique machines.
The gardens of the castle are largely formal and I photographed no less than five flowers that I would like in my garden. It is well known however, that I have no knowledge of the names of flowers and so need some help. Perhaps Cheryl or Doris could look at the photos in the Egeskov set of pictures in the gallery and identify them for me?
It has been a worthwhile visit to end the first week. We have covered some 900 miles and had a few minor technical problems that a proper shakedown run before we left Oxfordshire would have uncovered.
The only outstanding problem is a suspected broken speedo cable, but once again Moss Europe has come to my assistance. I e-mailed an order for a replacement cable at 16:15 yesterday and by 16:45 they confirmed the cable would be leaving this morning and would be awaiting my arrival at an Oslo hotel next week. Brilliant service.