Back On The Road

Back On The Road

I have just spent three days in Esch sur Sure in Luxembourg's Ardenne. It is a very picturesque commune with a castle ruin. It only became a tourist town since the second World War and it's main claim to fame was that it was the second smallest commune in Luxembourg. Otherwise it just relies on its' charm. Just five minutes up the A12 from here is a monument to the fallen during the Battle of the Bulge. This was the Nazi's last serious attempt to break through the Allies lines and had it been successful could have created a stalemate and possible opportunity for a negotiated settlement. Unfortunately for them they chose an area under the control of a very determined American force rapidly joined by General Pattons' armoured divisions and they weren't for turning. There are a number of trails through the forest with all weather displays, including foxholes, command posts and many lifesize figures of soldiers from both armies. The...
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C’est la Vie

C’est la Vie

    When I left you last I was looking forward to a day watching a re-enactment of the Battle of Waterloo, on it's 207th anniversary and what's more on the original battleground. I passed a couple of pleasent days leading up to this momentous occasion watching some golf at the Royal Waterloo Golf Club, and wishing I had loaded my clubs in the car before I left, and taking in some of the local scenery and community activities. Anyway, Saturday morning arrived and I set-off to the location, stopping at a local supermarket to load-up with some refreshment. The sky was cloudless and the heat by mid-day was too much for some of the tourists. I started off by making my way to one of two bivouac areas which was far larger that I had expected and extremely busily habitated. There was row-upon-row of tents grouped into different companies, battalions and regiments. I found one platoon of Scots Guards consisting of three...
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They’re Off!

They’re Off!

I was beginning to wonder if we would ever get away but, having cancelled the world tour, I managed to get away this morning for a 90 day  tour of the Balkans. We left at 07:30 and by 09:30 we had travelled just 9 miles! Having joined the M40 in Oxfordshire, there was an accident causing the complete closure of the Southbound carriageway. We missed the mid-day ferry we had booked to Dunkirk and had to catch the following one some two hours later. The drive across Belgium was good, but we were unable to make up the time and so were late arriving in the Waterloo area, where a hotel I had booked was located. I got us hopelessly lost (which is why I rarely book hotels in advance), but managed to purlion two passing police officers and got an official escort to the hotel. That's style. I have been told, that this weekend, there is going to be a re-enactment...
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World Tour Cancelled

World Tour Cancelled

To all those that like to travel vicariously with Bridget and myself I apologise for the above heading, but it is unavoidable. The might of the united Russian Armed Forces, spreading terror and oppression, have caused such restrictions on free travel as to precipitate the cancelling of our tour. A minor inconvenience compared to the problems and suffering Putins' war is raining down on the people of Ukraine. To fully understand my reasons for cancelling the tour you really need to understand my motivation for travelling in the first place. In a word, Freedom. It is the capacity to be able to decide for myself in which direction I am going to travel, when I decide to travel, and in whatever manner I decide to travel. Not to have any person, or organisation, coercing me to go somewhere I have no wish to go, or preventing me from going where I desire. It is these parameters that provoked me on my...
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Bridgets’ Swansong Update

Bridget is having new rear springs fitted along with Frontline hydraulic suspension. A few other small fixes and she should be ready. I have applied for a carnet, booked transport across the Altantic, a ship for Bridget and a plane for myself. We are going to be travelling anti-clockwise! So many of the land borders, east of Europe, are still closed or blocked by large gatherings of unfriendly troops and tanks, that I couldn't leave the plan unchanged for any longer. The start date of June will not be compromised so I am shipping Bridget to Halifax, Canada and will follow in time to collect her from the port on her arrival. The current thinking is that we will spend 4/6 weeks in Canada, then cross into the USA for a two month exploration. We might just turn up at the Pebble Beach Concourse, in August, before driving down through Central America and crossing into Colombia. Then it will be north to...
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