Goodbye Australia
I arrived in Australia in October 2008 with little in the way of expectations but some media generated preconceptions e.g. all sun, sea and surf. Although I knew some of the distances involved in circumnavigating the continent it still came as a surprise to find my next destination would be three days driving away. What I was not in anyway prepared for are the extremes experienced in Australia such as weather, flood levels, bush fires and some of the wildlife.
The country is vast and sparsely populated; the people warm, generous, and what I particularly liked, individualistic but with exceptional community spirit. I believe it may have many parallels with parts of the United States of America although I doubt that I will find the Americans quite so generous.
It has been an immensely interesting visit during which I have travelled over 11,500 miles bringing the total for the first two legs to almost 22,500 miles. Names, previously unknown, but now indelibly...