Since arriving back in the UK early in February, I have been finalising the plans for Bridget’s Swansong Tour. Bridget is road ready, the route as finalised as I ever do, with the usual provisio that should the road to my left or right look more interesting then I shall follow it, and I have approached the embassies of many of the countries I shall travel through. I have kept one eye on Covid developments the whole time.

Regrettably, I have had to face the fact that I am very unlikely to be able to enter many of the countries on route this year! Many borders are currently closed to leisure travellers, which is what they class me as, and those that will open before the end of the year will probably insist on a period of quarantine. A quick calculation of the number of border crossings on the planned route means quarantine at each would add 6 months to the tour period. I never have a problem extending the time I spend travelling, but not if it is to be spent pent up in hotels.

So the tour has to be postponed and will now be scheduled to start in June 2022. I am sure that during the interim period I shall amend the route from time to time, but it will still include Vladivostok, New Zealand and Australia. I may well add a return route as well! Meanwhile, I shall continue to post updates as things develop and will be delighted to answer any questions from interested readers. Just go to the bottom of the page where there is a comment box and ask away. The first time you use the facility you will be asked to register with your e-mail address. Also, I intend to keep the SAVE THE CHILDREN donation page operating and urge everyone to please consider helping this excellent charity give hope to children around the world, and help me reach the target set.


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